Thursday, May 16, 2024

Throw it Thursday - Unintentional Intentional Weeding

Ashley Borman, Technical Services Librarian at the Clintonville (WI) Public Library, is back with another weeding tips column. 

Do you ever go through a collection for anything other than weeding? Say, perhaps, you are adding a new genre sticker to a collection. Or maybe you are changing how you label a collection. This is a great time to check the condition of the books in said collection and get rid of some of the ones in poor condition.

Items in poor condition sometimes get missed during regular weeding, because they still actively circulate. We tend to focus more on the items that aren’t getting checked out than the items that do. If you ever have some extra time in your day (I know, I’m a dreamer, lol), you could choose a shelf and go through each book to check the items condition. I have found many a moldy book this way, which is instant buh-bye!

When pulling items for any purpose, it is easy enough to take a few extra seconds to check them for damage: broken spines, frayed edges on hardcovers, water damage, etc. Anything that is more extensive than you can easily fix should be thrown in the discard pile. Replacements can be purchased if necessary and available. Otherwise, enjoy some extra space on your shelves.

This book has a damaged spined that has already been repaired numerous times, as well as edges that are completely worn off from extensive use. Stains are also prevalent throughout the book. Time to say goodbye to this relic!

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