Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lights, Camera, Action

Have a hankering to encourage a few filming stints with the kids - or you! - at your library? 

Storytubes, kids making films about books,  is about to start.  According to the Storytubes websitethis “2-minute or less "my favorite book" video project is a unique opportunity for kids to promote their favorite books via short videos…and for kids to learn about new titles by watching them. While the program does include a contest component, with prizes donated by national publishers and others, the goal of the program is to harness kids’ excitement for books and share it on the Internet. Kids and teens (grades K-12) who are residents of the United States or its territories or of Nova Scotia, Canada or children of U.S. military personnel stationed abroad may enter. Students may enter through an organization (i.e., a school or library) or on their own.  

  • Videos may be up to two minutes long
  • You may make the video by yourself or with a group (the group limit per video is five people)
  • English-speaking kids anywhere may enter
  • To win a prize, at least one person in the group must be between the ages of 5 and 18 years
  • Top prizes will be awarded by a panel of judges, who will consider performance, script, creativity, and other factors
  • Just-for-fun prizes will be awarded through online voting
  • You may enter the contest more than once, as long as you promote a different book in each video
  • Entries must be submitted between 10:00 a.m. EST on January 20, 2012 and 9:00 p.m. PST on February 20, 2012.
For info, please contact:
Faith Brautigam, Director of Youth Services at Gail Borden Library, IL."

Or submit a film about teens/tweens using technology at your library filmed by librarians for librarians for ALSC/YALSA video contest.

The 2012 Presidents' Program  at ALA in Anaheim be a joint affair between ALSC and YALSA! We will be talking about tweens and young teens and exploring their use of technology. What is the life of a tween or young teen like in this digital age? What are the particular challenges and opportunities they face online? What should libraries be doing?  Most importantly: what are YOU doing? How are you handling the digital lives of tweens and young teens at your library? We are calling for video submissions from librarians on the front line.
  • Videos should be 2-3 minutes in length and created by librarians, for librarians.  Show and tell us about an experience or project dealing with tweens and young teens and technology at your library.  What worked? What didn't?   What did you learn? 
  • Post it on YouTube with the tag "youthprezprogram12".
  • Email co-chairs Tessa Michaelson Schmidt and Sarah Couri at with the YouTube link and your contact information.
  • Deadline for submissions: Monday, April 30th, 2012 at midnight.
All video entrants will be eligible to win a $100 Amazon gift card. Selected videos will be shown at the 2012 ALSC and YALSA Joint Presidents' Program in Anaheim

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