Tuesday, April 2, 2013

App reviews

There is a fair amount of debate out there about screen time for our littlest ones, with compelling arguments on both sides.  I tend to fall on the side of limiting the amount of time interacting with machines in favor of interacting more with human beings and tangible objects, but there is no doubt that there are some interesting interactive Apps out there, and even less doubt that parents are using Apps with kids of all ages. 

That being the case, it seems like it is important for us to take a look at App reviews, and stand ready to recommend, model good use, and provide access to them through library iPads.  Here is a source of some Apps reviews I found in a recent discussion on the ALSC-L listserv.

Little eLit's App Lists &Reviews

Wired's GeekDad and GeekMom blogs 

Photo credit: IntelFreePress on flickr

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