Friday, April 11, 2014

Props for Cool Props Workshop

Thanks to Jill Patchin of the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library (an institutional YSS member!) for the information for this blog post!

Happy participants, excited to go back to their classrooms and try these cool tools
Jill Patchin is the Story Prop Champion of Western Wisconsin.  She and her colleague, Jessi Peterson, presented a 2-hour session for childcare providers about story prop ideas.They provided a 45 minute presentation with ideas for props, how to use them, and how they could bring all 5 early lit practices into the classroom and make them even more fun than they already are. The rest of the time was devoted to creating materials--the library provided materials for them to make and take 3 of the props back to their classrooms.  
 The library worked with Western Dairyland Childcare Resource and Referral to promote, and also sent the flyer electronically and through the mail to Eau Claire area child care centers.  They had 20 sign ups the first morning!  At the final tally, they had 42 participants, all of whom were excited about all the ideas and having time set aside to create some things to take back to their workplace. 

The library also had a table showcasing the other resources they offer, including having Every Child Ready to Read and Growing Wisconsin Readers brochures available to take back to pass out to families.  

Library resources on display!

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