Thursday, March 19, 2015

Elephant and Piggie Party!

Brought to you by Susie Menk at Manitowoc Public Library

Manitowoc Public Library Children’s Department recently hosted a Mo Willem’s Elephant & Piggie party as a wrap up to our winter readathon. The readathon was for children up through grade two. Children needed to read ten hours in a six week period. Children who completed their reading logs by March 7 received a little elephant water squirter. 

Then we had an Elephant & Piggie party. Children played games based on Mo Willem’s Elephant & Piggie books. There was a bird’s nest relay race, an Elephant & Piggie photo opportunity, a dress up bin, Elephant & Piggie crafts, as well as pin the trunk/nose on Elephant or Piggie. The kids had a great time! Door prizes of Elephant & Piggie books were given away to round out the party. 

Many of our ideas were from Abby the Librarian’s post or from other Pinterest sources. We just tweaked them a little to work for our patrons!

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