Friday, January 29, 2016

YSS Board Retreat

Today, for the first time that anyone can remember, your YSS board is going to meet to retreat.

While the board has long held monthly phone or Go-to-Meeting web conference meetings, there are few chances to meet in person, get to know each other better, reflect on our board responsibilities and plan in real time. Last year the board expressed interest in having an orientation/brainstorming retreat to help start 2016 off right.

What will be doing for four hours in DeForest Public Library?

We'll be looking at just what the responsibilities and possibilities are as board members of a vibrant, active section of the Wisconsin Library Association. We'll also be brainstorming our projects and work for the year; thinking about ways to give you, our members, more opportunities to help with projects and initiatives; and deciding how best to move decisively forward in our work on your behalf.

It means alot to have this time together to work on these things. When we are at conferences, at business meetings, there is little time for us to meet as a board. But having time in person to work fast and hard; to discuss our responsibilities and be inspired by our board work is a vital way to support and encourage the leaders of this active session.

We'll keep you posted!

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