Saturday, April 16, 2016

Meet the Board: Katherine Elchert, Director at Large

Hello all! My name is Katherine Elchert and I’m the Library Director at the Rice Lake Public Library, in Northern WI. I have been Director-at-Large here on the YSS Board for the past year and a half. For anyone interested in joining, YSS is a blast. Who wouldn't want an excuse to hang out with some hilarious Children's and YA Librarians?

What was your favorite childhood book?
Hands down, The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear! It’s still one of my favorite books to bring out and share at storytime!

In what format do you like to read? EBooks? Print? Graphic Novel? Audiobook?
I'm lucky enough to be a fast and flexible reader, so I do a combination of print, ebooks and audiobooks. I find I'm much harder on audiobooks than I am on other formats, so I tend to be picky when selecting a book for listening. I think using multiple formats is helpful, because it's easier to understand patron’s complaints (hold limits on Overdrive, I'm looking at you!)

What do you like to do in your free time to recharge?
I have an adorable puppy dog named Wally and I love taking that goof for walks, dispensing many, many belly rubs and teasing him with various squeaky toys! Besides that, I love visiting with my friends and family, hanging out at home and (of course) reading.

What are you reading right now?
 While I usually stick to kids & YA fiction (I’m a Children’s Librarian at heart!), I recently read the fascinating non-fiction grown up book All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation by Rebecca Traister. For the first time in American history, single women outnumber their married counterparts. Traister makes some interesting arguments on how these single ladies are impacting the whole world around them. I recommend it!

Anything else you’d like to share?

Come and join the fun at YSS! There's so many ways to get involved - from helping out at our WLA booth to contributing to the YSS Early Literacy Calendar. Feel free to contact me with any questions!

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