Friday, June 3, 2016

Marginally Speaking with Teens

Interested in a fun passive book club for teens? "What?!?!" you say.

Tegan Anclade writes in the Hub about the Margin Project. Teens are encouraged to share thoughts, feelings and comments about books they are reading in the margins and on social media.

Anclade writes:
Readers can underline their favorite quotes, draw an arrow and write “Pay attention to this!”, draw pictures, write questions, and so much more. I believe that this will also be passive Readers’ Advisory, and will help readers pick new books. If they enjoyed the opinion of a fellow participant in The Margin Project, they may look to see what other books they have read, written in, and loved.

Sounds like a great way to combine the old with the new!!

1 comment:

Tegan A. said...

I just saw this! Thanks for much for the shout out!! Love your blog! :) I hope some readers have had great success with the Margin Project!!