Being of a curious, creative, and information-seeking bent, I naturally look for new ideas, projects, and inspiration in a variety of places. Here I have gathered links to a few of the places I've been idea diving lately. What is idea diving you may say? It's a term I just coined for the process of diving into ideas and exploring them - just like scuba diving there are recreational dives and professional dives. The depth and range of a dive will vary based on the interests and purpose of the diver or mission. So join me in idea-diving and please share some of your favorite diving locations in the comments.
Pop Goes the Page blog and
Pinterest page by "Dana Sheridan (a.k.a. Dr. Dana), creator of Pop Goes the Page. I’m also the Education & Outreach Coordinator of the Cotsen Children’s Library at Princeton University. My library offers a number of story times, programs, and workshops, many of which you will find described on this blog. They’ve all been “field tested,” so feel free to replicate them in your own library, classroom, or home!" (About page)
Flannel Friday blog and
Pinterest page which "celebrates and supports the art and skill of storytime by: sharing ideas; fostering community; and supporting professional development." (Mission page)
Laughing Kids Learn blog and
Pinterest page where it's all about "sharing activities and ideas that make learning fun for kids!" (Pinterest tagline)
As I See It blog where Vivian the Librarian blogs about "observations on library services to children and young adults from experiences in smaller and larger public libraries in Idaho," including storytime and baby storytime plans. (Blog tagline)
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