Friday, April 28, 2017

WAPL (and you!)

The 2017 Wisconsin Association of Public Libraries Conference is wrapping up today, and it has been full once again of marvelous programs and workshops by you, our state youth services librarians!  Look for individual recaps later on some of the great programs from your YSS colleagues.

In the meantime, consider the leadership possibilities open to you at the WAPL Board level or the 2018 WAPL Conference Planning Committee!  Most (all?) of you are working in public libraries.  Some of you work in more than one department.  Some of you are all the departments at once!  Your point of view is needed as the Division grows and moves forward.

We have some exciting plans on the horizon that will be done in coordination with YSS and our friends at WISL, and we hope you might want to be  a part of it all.

If you're interested in getting involved with WAPL--either at the Board level or as a Conference planner, get in touch with Katherine Elchert--current chair and former YS Manager herself.

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