Friday, September 29, 2017

Google and Slate love Libraries

Google will now show E-book holdings at your local library!

I love any opportunity to show patrons how easy it is to find titles they want.  For youth services in particular, I like offering ebooks as a way to get popular sequels.

From the article:

"Google’s new e-book listings may actually help libraries. While the features lists local holdings of digital content, you still have to click through to the library’s own site to make use of it. What’s more, it doesn’t tell you whether the title you’re interested in is currently available. (Public libraries license finite numbers of any given e-book, just as they can only buy so many copies of a physical volume.) Accordingly, Google isn’t—at least in this case—pretending to have all the information that we need. That initial uncertainty may be a good thing, since the mere act of visiting a library’s site invites you to look at what else it offers, even if the thing you came in search of isn’t there."  

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