Sunday, August 4, 2019

YSS Wants YOU at WLA!

Another great fall conference means programs, outstanding networking with colleagues from both youth and far, and naturally some fun times at the YSS booth and social hours.  Go here to register for another amazing experience. And it IS worth every penny!

Youth oriented conference programs include:
(10:45 am)  - Building STEM Themes into Library Programs
(12:00) - YSS Luncheon with author Miranda Paul
(1:45 pm) - The Room of Requirement
(2:45 pm)- What's So Funny About Children's Non-Fiction
(4:30pm) - Connect and Create: Public & School Library Collaboration Projects
(7:30) YSS Social
(8:00 WLA Foundation Fundraiser - Libraries Rock Live Band Karaoke

(7:30 am ) YSS Annual Meeting
(9:00 am ) Sixth Grade Journal Buddies
(11:00 am ) - The Science of Play: Creating Joyful STEAM Experiences at the Library
(1:45 pm) - Writing at the Library
(2:45 pm) - Creating the Cardboard Kingdom: Burr/Wozralla Winner Program
(2:45 pm) - Diversity Grows and So Do We!
(5:30 pm) Awards Reception

(9:00 am ) - Eat Your Veggies! Healthy Ideas for Youth Programming
(9:00 am) - Move Over Mother Goose: Focusing on Families First
(9:00 am) - Puzzles, Props and Plots: Creating Your Own Escape Room
(10 am) - Seeing the Unseen in YA Literature
(10 am) - Sensory Storytime and Beyond
(10 am) - Unstructured: Programming for Tweens and Teens

Plus even more- exhibits, receptions, reunions, hallway conversations, adventure and far more programs to fill up your mind, your heart, your energy and your passion for the profession!!! See you there!

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