Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Resources for Early Literacy Practices in Storytime

Today we will share with you content and advice you can use to fill your storytimes with experiences rich in early literacy skill building.

If you are looking for storytime books you can use to intentionally address early literacy practices, check out the shortlist of titles currently being considered for the CLEL Bell award (an award given by the Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy organization). The award recognizes picture books "that provide excellent support of early literacy skills for young children." 

Are you someone who knows the songs and rhymes you sing in storytime foster early literacy skills and encourage healthy child development, but you don't know exactly how the songs and rhyme do so? Here is a resource for you! 

Jessica Baudin-Griffin, early childhood educator, created a curriculum called Intellidance®. She shares her dance, music, and play activities on YouTube and in the videos explains how each song supports either early literacy skills or physical development skills. This rhyme is a good example of the type of content Jessica puts out. You can use Jessica's child development explanations only for your own knowledge, or you can also share the messages with caregivers. And browsing the large collection of songs will refresh your supply of storytime content!

Finally, here is a reminder of all the great resources you can find on the Jbrary website (and YouTube channel). On the website is a long list of storytime resources, including three blog posts on how to share early literacy messages in storytime—check out these ideas on when to give tips, these examples of giving messages using personal stories, and this round up of other bloggers talking about early literacy messages.

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