Monday, May 16, 2022

Learning from the Pandemic

The ALSC blog recently ran a reflection by a mentorship team of how they coped in each of their libraries with the many changes COVID brought to them. The article shares both the mentor and mentee's experiences and ends with some research that the two found about changes in library work and our reactions to them.  

Stop here to read this thoughtful post. [Using the COVID Experience to Help Us Grown in Our Work. Brewer, Maeve and Mary Voors. ALSC blog. May 12, 2022]

Also, brand new from Rowman and Littlefield Publishers in their Practical Guides for Librarians series is a book by my former ALSC mentee Molly Virello, entitled Working Remotely. It is a library-specific guide to help managers and staff navigate the ins and outs of continuing work remotely either full-time or part-time as the pandemic wears on. It is another resource that has grown from the need for libraries to change and grow during the pandemic.

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