Sunday, October 2, 2022

It's Time to Vote!

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

WLA elections are open! It you are a YSS member (and of course you would be a WLA member), you received an email ballot last week. 

Please, please, please take a few moments to vote for the WLA-wide offices (President, Secretary, Foundation Board) and YSS Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect and Directors at Large.

YSS works especially hard to make sure you ALWAYS have choices in your candidates by making sure we have multiple candidates running for each position. And YSS members have always been willing and ready to stand for election. We thank our nine awesome candidates!

Now it's up to you to honor their willingness to throw their hats in the ring by voting.

Voting ends FRIDAY OCTOBER 7

We are stronger when we participate in who is representing us. Please vote today. 

If you have any questions or problems (like you don't know your Username and/or Password, please call the Wisconsin Library Association office at 608.245.3640 or email, Mondays - Fridays 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)

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