Friday, December 9, 2022

You Too Can Play the Uke

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay 
ALSC blogger Chelsea Roos, an admitted beginner with little musical talent conquered playing the ukelele for storytime. In a recent ALSC blog post she shares her process and is super encouraging to help you become ukelele-mighty.

She writes: '"Have you ever wanted to play the ukulele in storytime, but felt like you couldn’t possibly be good enough? There are many fantastic librarians who are expert ukulele players, but I often find learning from great players intimidating. If you’re overwhelmed, I (definitely a beginner) can help. A few years ago, I decided I was going to start playing the ukulele in storytime, despite the fact that I did not know how to play the ukulele and am generally unmusical. It has always been a little baffling to me that I am paid to sing to children, given that I was once told by a choir teacher to “maybe just mouth the words at the performance.” Despite all these obstacles, I actually do play the ukulele at storytime, and no one has ever complained. Let me reassure you that if I can do it, anyone can do it."

To read her post and super helpful tips, stop here. [Ukelele Storytime for Beginners from a Beginner. Roos, Chelsey.  ALSC blog. December 4, 2022.]

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