Friday, July 7, 2023

STEAM Programming Fun

Recently, Caitlin Savage of the Skokie Public Library shared a fun science-based program with their kids on the STAR net Community blog/ It is easily duplicated and looks like a ton of fun.

Caitlin writes: "One of my favorite things about science is the way it so frequently looks like magic. From bubbling concoctions acidic and basic to the wizardry of seasonal foliage transformation, enchantment is all around us all the time. I am generally easily impressed, and have faithfully believed in magic my whole life, so I was delighted when I came across an experiment demonstrating Newton’s first law of motion: An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force. (via NASA Glenn Research Center). Honestly they had me at “easy coin trick.”

Read about her cool program here. [TEAM Engines at Skokie Public Library: Laws of Motion. Savage, Caitlin. STARnet Community blog. June 28, 2023.]

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