Thursday, August 10, 2023

Library Gaming: Local Game Shop Coop!

Lindy Liedl from the Rice Lake Public Library returns with her monthly column on all things gaming to help you connect with your teen patrons!

We are teaming up with our local tabletop game store for summertime Game Demos at the library! 

[I didn’t come up with this idea and would love to credit the person who wrote/told me about it, but I can’t find who shared the idea! If it was someone on here, I apologize that I couldn’t find your fantastic post again!]

Our local shop: The Boardwalk, in Rice Lake was very excited to team up for game demos. I pulled some available dates, they found available staff to teach participants, and our first round in June was super fun. Staff at The Boardwalk are experienced in teaching, and they are true gaming enthusiasts so they are choosing our game each month (and doing a great job). 

All I have to do is create posters and flyers for us and The Boardwalk to display, market the event on social media, and create a sign-up sheet since games have limited players. They’ve kindly offered to do a random giveaway of one copy of the game each time too! Shoutout to Brandon, our host who was a patient teacher and had a good sense of humor to bounce off of our teens who have been the main sign-ups.

What does the shop get out of it? The library purchases a copy of the game to feature in our collection as a kit for checkout, and they’re free to bring any event info to pull more folks to their shop.

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