Friday, December 15, 2023

American Indian 2023 Youth Titles

Scholar and blogger Debbie Reese has released her year-end review of recommended titles on her blog American Indians in Children's Literature.

Dr. Reese writes: "American Indians in Children's Literature is pleased to share our annual year-end list of books we want you to know about. We'd like multiple copies of them to be in every classroom, school, and public library. 

Our emphasis is books by Native writers and illustrators whose Nations are on the continent we know as North America. Most are ones that came out in 2023. In some way, they've touched our hearts as parents of Native children or as former school teachers who want children to have accurate and honest books about Native peoples."

Click here to access the blog post, the complete list of titles and a downloadable pdf. [AICL'S Year in Review 2023. Reese, Debbie. American Indians in Children's Literature blog. November 28, 2023.]

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