Monday, May 6, 2024

Tips for Leading from Wherever You Are

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In a recent ALSC blog post, the ever-thoughtful Jaime Eastman shares some excellent tips on how you can embrace leadership from wherever in an organization you are.

Jaime writes: "Definitions of leader and leadership are endless, but no specific person or job title makes you a leader. Rather, leadership is a conscious, daily decision. Before you can lead anyone else, you must first lead yourself. Then, it’s all about owning and customizing the journey. Here are some go-to tips (and my examples) for incorporating elements of leadership wherever you are."

Stop here to read her great tips and access an excellent booklist on the topic. [Leadership at Any Level: Empowering Library Staff. Eastman, Jaime. ALSC blog. April 29, 2024]

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