Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Offering Early Literacy Tips Can Be a Snap

Recently, Tess Prendergast wrote about supportive ways to offer early literacy tips to caregivers in storytimes.

Tess writes: "As librarians, we know that the early literacy material we offer at storytime helps to support children’s early language and literacy development in many different ways. Parents and caregivers play key roles in their children’s language and literacy development. However, no one is born knowing exactly how to support early literacy and language. Caregivers simply might not know the high value and lasting impact of everyday things like talking about different food items in the grocery store, or singing together. Therefore, as children’s librarians we are well positioned to help pass on this information by offering what are called early literacy tips (also called “asides”) during storytimes.

Offering these kinds of upbeat, no-pressure, positive tips might be just the thing a new parent or caregiver needs to feel confident about encouraging their child’s language and literacy growth. I cannot think of a better place for parents and caregivers to learn something new (and fun) about the power of early literacy than at storytime."

Stop here to read her practical tips to help you shine! [Why & How to Offer Supportive Early Literacy Tips. Prendergast, Tess. ALSC blog. June 16, 2024]

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