Monday, June 10, 2024

Teen Only Programs?

In a recent Teen Librarian Toolbox column in School Library Journal, the ever thoughtful Karen Jensen laid out the case for teens only programing.

Karen writes: "Occasionally, I am asked about various topics dealing with teens. I was recently asked about teens only programming, and have been working on putting my thoughts into some concise writings. I’m a firm believer in the importance and value of teens only programming. As you’ll see below, my thoughts cover everything from safety to having moments where they aren’t being asked to be caregivers of younger siblings (yes, I’m an oldest child). I also believe it is important that we communicate that a program is teens only and then hold firm to that boundary, even to the parents of that 11-year-old who they swear is developmentally advanced or the 19-year-old who recently graduated and just wants to hang out with their friends (because having legal adults with minors who don’t all necessarily understand the new and very legal dynamics of their age differences can get tricky)."

Stop here to read the full post [Why Teens Deserve Teens Only Programming. Jensen, Karen. Teen Librarian Toolbox blog. School Library Journal. May 20, 2024.]

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