Thursday, November 21, 2024

International Children's Literature Event

Join us at the Madison Concourse Hotel on December 6-7 for the 2024 International Children's Literature Event - Stories of Separation and Belonging: Exploring Migration, Partition, and Displacement. This workshop is open to K-12 pre-service and current educators, librarians, and children's literature enthusiasts. Within our theme, experts will place special emphasis on using graphic novels with middle-school learners. The first 40 registrants will receive free books from our featured authors: Adrian Lysenko (Five Stalks of Grain) and Alexandra Diaz (Santiago's Road Home). 

Our workshop is scheduled for 9 am-4 pm on Saturday, December 7. A new addition to our program - participants are encouraged to join us for a special film screening at 6:30 pm on December 6. We'll watch the animated film Home is Somewhere Else. Lunch and refreshments will be provided for both the film screening and all-day workshop.

This workshop is sponsored by the Wisconsin International Resource Consortium and UW-Madison Libraries and funded by grants from the Department of Education. A registration fee of $25 is requested to help subsidize the food costs. Click here to register!

Scholarships for 1 night hotel accommodation are still available. Please email for more information.

We hope to see you in Madison on December 6 and 7!

Dr. Andrea Fowler (she/her)

Assistant Director, Center for South Asia

University of Wisconsin-Madison

203 Ingraham

1155 Observatory Drive

Madison, WI 53706


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