Wednesday, January 29, 2025

How All Staff Can Support Storytime

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Recently Jaime Eastman, writing at the ALSC blog, shared some wise words about how all library staff (not just the staff who actually do the storytimes) can support and advocate for storytimes with families. 

Jaime writes:"While our patrons may only see one or two faces in storytime, the reality is that it takes an entire team for our storytimes to succeed. Over the years, there have been many iterations of what supporting storytime looks like. We’ve learned that for it to work, staff must be all in for storytime. How does that work? Let me tell you more."

To check out her tips, please stop here. [All In for Storytime: Tips for Library Staff at Every Level. Eastman, Jaime. ALSC blog. January 2, 2025.]

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