Sunday, June 1, 2014

Three New Ideas

I commented on Twitter yesterday that it felt as if Saturday May 31 must have been "Thoughtful Blogging Prize" day. There were so many great posts with ideas up that I had to share.

Posts like Kim's at Library Commentary about the library gardening programs they do with kids. It isn't just the growing of the gardens but how they enrich the programs that caught my eye.

Or Gizmos, Gadgets and Goo (G3)'s amazingly fresh ArtBot program where a simple cheap electric toothbrush motor helps kids create the best robot art in every sense.

Or Leah over at Sunflower Storytime throwing down the gauntlet on bulletin boards and the time/staff/money suck they represent - and suggesting a clever solution.

These posts represent the best of what we can share with each other to help us push our practice farther and better. Innovative? You bet.

What are you doing for fun new stuff?

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