Thursday, December 29, 2016

When does that movie come out?

Recently, my library switched from receiving an automatic standing order on almost all new release DVDs, to ordering on Amazon.  It saves a fairly absurd amount of money, BUT the process now includes having to know when movies are released.  So, with that time consuming task at hand, I have found a couple resources I use to explore what DVDs are being released in the near future.

Movie Insider is great because it not only tells you DVD release dates, but also, Blu-ray release dates and with more libraries growing their Blu-ray collections this is a great resource.

DVD Release Dates is a bit more visually appealing, in my opinion, and it lists the MPAA rating and the IMDB rating, all directly beneath the movie cover.

"Every time I go to the movies, it's magic, no matter what the movie's about."
-   Steven Spielberg

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