Monday, October 16, 2017

IFLS SLP/Access Workshop with Renee Grassi

Indianhead Federated Library System will be hosting an SLP/Youth workshop

Thursday, November 9
9:30-3:30 pm
Our Savior's Lutheran Church
910 9th St East, Menomonie

9:30-11:30:   Libraries for All: Creating Welcoming and Accessible Libraries for Youth with Disabilities
Big or small, rural or urban - all libraries serve youth with disabilities. In this 2-hour workshop, Renee Grassi will show how your library can develop an awareness and an enhanced spirit of inclusion to youth with disabilities and their needs for library service.  Attendees will learn about innovative programming, outreach ideas, and how to build relationships with parents and caregivers. Participants will also learn about inclusive customer service, strategies for making your SLP more accessible and different approaches to promotion and marketing to welcome families with youth with disabilities to your library.

11:45-12:30:  Break-Out Sessions with IFLS Librarians
  1. Outreach and Partnerships
  2. Program Idea Swap
12:30-1:15:  Lunch and Exploring Maker Kits

1:15-2:00:  Break-Out Sessions with IFLS Librarians
  1. Family Programs
  2. Teen Programs 
2:10-3:30:  Re-thinking the SLP
Discussion groups, group conversation and individual reflection about how we are planning, executing, and evaluating our SLP programs.  Why are we doing them, and are we making our goals?

To register, click here!

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