Thursday, October 31, 2019

Guest Post: Holiday Placemat Craft

Author: Kent Barnard, Director, Patterson Memorial Library, Wild Rose, WI

Since the second year I started here at the library, I have done this craft the week or so before Thanksgiving.  It is easy and gives everyone a lasting memory of that year.  I currently have the past 4 years on my wall (one year I forgot to have the kids make mine!).

You will need:
Burlap fabric – 12” X 24” depending on number of children, you could make a runner instead.
Washable Paint – We use acrylic – I like one color for each child.
Small paper plates
1” or so paintbrushes
Painting shirts (old t-shirts)
Storytime Kids With Caregivers!

1.      Set up as many stations as you have children.  Each station will have a piece of burlap, and an empty paper plate.
2.      Let each child choose their color (the more colors the better!)
3.      Have each child - and their caregiver – go to a station.
4.      Put on painting shirts as desired. (not all kids will wear one)
5.      Pour some paint on the plate and have the caregiver paint the child’s hand with a paintbrush,
6.      Or just push the hand into the paint, I have found that painting works better.  (We have also found that boys do not generally like to be painted as much as girls - go figure!)
7.      The caregiver now pushes the hand straight down on the burlap.
8.      When done – everyone rotates to the next burlap  - we go clockwise.
9.      Continue until everyone is finished.  Now have a snack and let them dry!
10.  Finally, I write the year on all the burlap pieces and then parents can write their child’s name next to their handprint on all the pieces.
11.  Now each family has a really cute burlap “placemat” and a record of their child’s handprint!

You do not have to have a separate color for each child, but it is easier to remember who is who.  One year I had three kids do brown!  I love these, and I like to show them to the kids that are now grown up!  Make sure you get one for yourself!

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