Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Moment of Reflection

Although New Year activities are traditionally reserved for looking forward, looking backward can be an opportunity to reflect on growth, success, and even moments of struggle that resulted in great things happening later.

Take a moment to think of three good things that happened in your professional library practice in 2019. Keep reading when you are done. 

Now, think of three good things that happened in your personal life in 2019. Keep reading when you are done.

Building on strengths is a powerful strategy to make our choices more effective. What is working well at the library? What collections are being checked out frequently? What programs are well received? What is strong in your library that you can highlight in advocacy conversations and then tell stakeholders you are building and expanding on?

Now think of your personal life. What is going well? What can you continue to invest in that is already blooming?

Thank you for everything you do that keeps our libraries strong. I wish you the best in 2020.

Photo by Jenni Chen, license CC BY

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