Saturday, July 25, 2020

August Webinars for Youth Librarians

Image by LoveYouAll from Pixabay
Two upcoming webinars are of interest to youth librarians:

Playful Learning for Librarians 
Thursday Aug 6, 2:30-4pm
Join PBS Wisconsin to connect with fellow librarians around the state and learn about engaging virtual programming ideas for early learners. Prepare to learn about fun, hands-on, STEM activities that you can implement virtually with the support of PBS Wisconsin. Mouna Algahaithi, Education Engagement Specialist, will give an overview of six, ready-to-use activities that inspire love of learning, science, exploration and require minimal preparation.

You will also have a chance to experience a mini version of one of these activities! A complete agenda will be sent to all those registered. Registering will also give you access to the recording of the workshop and any additional resources. Register here.

Healing Reading Trauma
Wednesday August 12, 1-2:00 pm
South Central Library System
Too many of our youth have had their love of reading systematically stolen. This trauma enacted on our youth includes a lack of meaningful representation, high-stakes testing culture, unhealthy fixation on the “Classics”, and the shaming of students for what they love to read. The result can be youth who associate reading with pain, insecurity, embarrassment, and humiliation. Not only is this affecting the academic achievement of our students, it’s taking away our teens' ability to act powerfully upon the world. When we damage someone’s language, we are taking away a piece of their humanity. This work of healing reading trauma is an essential part of liberatory and anti-racist education. In this session, the facilitators will share how they are building liberatory reading spaces at their secondary school libraries where youth are beginning to heal their reading trauma. Specific tools--including teaching methods, collection development strategies, and program/policy changes--will be shared. Register here.

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