Saturday, January 14, 2023

Developmental Relationships Help Young People Thrive

As seen in the WRLS Weekly Newsletter, December 22,2022. Thanks to Cole Zrostlik for the link!

New Paper on Developmental Relationships— Perfect for after-school coordinators.

Developmental Relationships Help Young People Thrive | Search Institute

Developmental relationships are essential to help young people discover how to become their best selves.

Through the benefits of developmental relationships, young people move beyond surviving to thriving. Strong developmental relationships help young people of every age, race, and socioeconomic background discover who they are, cultivate the ability to shape their own lives and destinies, and learn how to positively contribute to the world.

What are developmental relationships, and how can we intentionally create them in our schools, programs, families, and communities?

To read more and access (via web or PDF) the 12-page paper, stop here.

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