Friday, March 31, 2023

Better Storytime Planing

Image by talha khalil from Pixabay 
In a lively and well thought-out recent ALSC blog post, members of the Association of Library Service for Children (ALSC)'s Early Childhood Programs and Services Committee propose five questions to consider that can help you in your storytime work.

They write: "We’ve all had that moment where we know we’ve planned the perfect storytime. Hordes of littles and their grown-ups queuing to land a spot in your coveted storytime. The roar of tiny voices chanting your name. Singing your welcome song.

You land a cover story on the pages of SLJ, or an ALSC blog post. You’re invited to speak at conferences, which may land you on the front stage of ALSC Institute. C’mon, we’ve all had that fantasy and the sudden crash that lands us solidly back in reality when No.One.Shows.Up. #SadLibrarian

No fears because a little bit of focused storytime planning will save library workers time, money, frustration, and a bit of our pride. The perfect storytime is with in your reach. Before you dust off your superhero librarian cape, ask yourself or your staff these questions."

Stop here to read about five questions to consider as you prepare and plan storytimes. [5 Questions For Better Storytime Planning. Early Childhood Programs and Services Committee. ALSC blog. March 22, 2023.]

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