Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Chair's Corner - April 2023 YSS Board Updates

Today's April 2023 YSS board meeting update is from Alison Loewen, our YSS 2023 Chair and Youth Services Librarian, Mead Public Library, Sheboygan

April showers bring May flowers, and YSS is raining opportunities to help you and your library blossom into a beautiful garden!

It’s the start of conference season, and WAPL is right around the corner.  YSS is hopeful for a great turnout at our social event.  Meet us Thursday night at 7:30 in the party room at the Ground Round restaurant at the hotel!  We invite you to bring a 1-page handout with a program idea that you think would be fun for other libraries to implement.  Also, the conference committee is looking for volunteers to serve as registration ambassadors and room monitors, so  Sign-Up Here , if you are able to lend a hand.  “It's through relationships that we grow best—and learn best.” said Fred Rogers, so take these opportunities to meet some new friends, and build your professional network- I’d love to meet you there!

Just a few days ago, WLA announced its call for proposals for the annual conference in Middleton, October 24-27. The conference brings together library professionals from all areas of library work to explore new ideas and learn from each other.  I encourage you to share the amazing work that you have been up to.  If you have an idea, but prefer to speak on a panel, fill out this conference collaboration form, and YSS might be able to help you find some like-minded individuals to present with.   If you are confident to present on your own, please complete this proposal online form  by May 12.  I am looking forward to learning from all of you this October.

Our YSS webinar season is in full swing, with our next installment of WLA’s Youth Services Section (YSS) Presents: Teen Programming Inspiration scheduled for Tuesday, April 18.  The webinar will provide tons of great ideas for teen programming from 4 talented and enthusiastic Teen Librarians.  It's free for WLA members, and $25 for non-members. You can find out more and register here.   This webinar will be followed by another entry in May on Teen Advisory Groups and volunteers, so watch for information about that coming soon.

Last, some exciting breaking news! WLA and YSS are taking over the Performers Showcase legacy!  Save the date! Friday November 10th is when incredible performers from all disciplines will gather online and share with you what they can offer your library families. While we can’t share more details at this time, mark your calendars, as you won’t want to miss it!

There are several other seeds that have been planted, but I will save those official announcements for next month. 

Happy Spring!

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