Saturday, May 13, 2023

Solar Eclipse Resources Available to Libraries

Image by Dave Davidson from Pixabay 

Did you know there’s going to be two solar eclipses between now and April 2024? 😊 I spoke with staff at STAR yesterday and wanted to share this information with you. 

  • Public libraries and library systems can register to receive FREE solar viewing glasses (see link below)
  • The state library (DPI) will be receiving four Solar Science Circulation kits (two youth and two adult). I’m working on creating a system for reserving and distributing the kits for system libraries. More information coming soon!
  • STAR does in-person workshops for library staff. I’m working on setting a date(s) for this, hopefully sometime in September. More information coming soon!


With an Annular Solar Eclipse in 2023 and a Total Solar Eclipse in 2024, the STAR Library Education Network’s SEAL (Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries) initiative (with major funding support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation) is distributing approximately 5 million solar eclipse viewing glasses to libraries in all 50 states and all US territories and protectorates. You can register for FREE solar viewing glasses here.  


This application must be completed in one sitting. You will not be able to come back and edit your answers. We recommend that you complete the survey as soon as possible, to ensure you receive your glasses in time for your event. Applications will be reviewed in the order that they were received, and glasses will be distributed on a first come/first accepted basis. Please note glasses can only be sent to physical addresses, we cannot ship to PO boxes. Personal addresses can be used for shipping. You will have the option to receive 2,000; 1,000; or 500 pairs of eclipse glasses. We recommend glasses be distributed only at related programs. If you opt to receive 2,000 or 1,000 glasses, please share your plans to share with other orgs (or give stats justifying the large numbers).


Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions.


Jeni Schomber

Public Library Consultant

Library Services Team

Division for Libraries and Technology

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction


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