Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Sweet, Sweet Lullabies

Image by Daniela Dimitrova from Pixabay
Whenever blogger Tess Prendergast posts in the ALSC blog, I pay attention. 

Recently, she explored the importance of lullabies across cultures in soothing babies and tots through her own experiences as a librarian, professor and researcher. And she highly recommends using them in library programming.

Tess writes: "How should children’s librarians encourage lullaby singing? No matter what your cultural background, if you grew up in a family that sang lullabies, and you still remember them, that’s great. You can share those same lullabies in any language and families will love them. You can also check out Putumayo Kids lullaby collections for samples of lullabies from around the world. Don’t forget to check out the always incredible resources over at Mother Goose on the Loose."

To read this well-researched and fascination post, stop here. [Lullabies in the Library. Prendergast, Tess. ALSC blog. April 30, 2023.]

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