Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Choosing a "Feature" for the Children's Room

Often, when a big remodel or new building is planned, the youth staff gets a chance to select a special "feature" that becomes a signature piece in the new youth area. It's sometimes tough to decide what that special feature should be.

A recent ALSC blog post from Emily Mroczek-Bayci writes: "A lot of libraries around me received renovations, and it’s always fun to check out what big ticket library purchases a library adds. In fact I’m pretty sure every library worker finds themselves lurking around local libraries while on vacation to “check it out”. Some items I see are totally unique while others are becoming more common. Here are some “big ticket items” that are surfacing in more libraries around the country."

Check out her pictures of these items here and start dreaming! [Big Ticket Library Purchases. Mrozek-Bayci, Emily. ALSC blog. May 23, 2023.]

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