Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Brochures for Growing WI Readers - Out-of-Date

Jeni Schomber shares this important information for all WI public libraries.

Good Morning All,

I recently received an email from a public library asking about the Growing Wisconsin Readers 2013-2016 initiative and brochures. In that conversation it was discovered that the QR Code on the brochure now leads to a psychic website. The brochure also has out of date information on the front listing Tony Evers as State Superintendent and the Growing Wisconsin Readers website is no longer operational.


While the literacy content is still both valid and valuable, in order to avoid misinformation and confusion, DPI recommends that you recycle/dispose of all Growing Wisconsin Reader brochures and other printed materials.


Thank you, and please let me know if you have any questions.


Jeni Schomber 

Public Library Consultant 

Library Services Team 

Division for Libraries and Technology 

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction 


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