Thursday, June 8, 2023

Play Make Learn Conference Registration Open


Hello colleagues!

I wanted to remind everyone that registration for Play Make Learn 2023, hosted in Madison, WI on July 20-21 (with pre-conference sessions taking place on July 19th) is open! We have a lot of librarians attending this year, and the conference is more practitioner-focused than ever; please share with your networks and encourage them to register and attend. Play Make Learn is positioning itself as one of the most innovative playful learning and creative pedagogy conferences in the Midwest; you won’t want to miss this opportunity.


Additionally, we are incredibly proud to announce our two keynote speakers, Dr. Margaret Huettl and Dr. Kishonna Gray! I’ve included bio information about Dr. Huettl and Dr. Gray, below, but suffice to say, they are brilliant researchers and speakers, and are gamechangers in multiple sectors of study.


There is also information below about our (new this year!) compelling pre-conference sessions; I want to highlight “Exploring A New Digital Tool for Documentation & Observational Assessment for Hands-on, experiential learning”, being offered by Madison Public Library’s own Rebecca Millerjohn. Register today!

2023 Play Make Learn Conference Keynote Announcement
Margaret Huettl and Kishonna Gray


The Play Make Learn (PML) Conference promotes high-quality learning opportunities for educators, researchers, developers, designers, foundation leaders, policy makers, museum and library professionals, and school leaders who are dedicated to promoting making, gaming, and playful learning. We aim to engage our audience in cutting-edge learning science ideas and experiences; communicate state-of-the-art design, education, and research; demonstrate new and upcoming games and technology; and network to spark new projects in the following themes: playful learning, games for learning and positive social impact, making and makerspaces, STEAM education, arts integration in formal and informal spaces, and research/practitioner partnerships.  

The 2023 conference will feature keynote speakers, concurrent sessions, and playful experiences for all! Details will be added to the website as they are confirmed.

When: July 20-21, 2023

Where: Memorial Union | 800 Langdon St. | Madison, WI


Thanks to our generous sponsors, we are able to provide scholarships for a limited number of people in need of financial support. Complete the scholarship application here.



Chris Baker

Public Library Consultant, Library Services Team 

Department of Public Instruction 

(608) 264-6709

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