Wednesday, June 28, 2023

How About a Cat Party?!?

Image by Dim Hou from Pixabay

A long-time blogger fave of mine, who until recently been on an extended blog hiatus, has returned! 

Erinisinire recently posted about the completely kismet success of a program that she created in response to kid's requests. To say it was a hit is an understatement!

Erin writes: "At the start of the school year, I put out a suggestion box for kids to anonymously suggest titles and/or program ideas. About 6 months ago a 4th grader wrote their name and suggested a “cat party” and then proceeded to suggest a cat party every single time they came in. I finally asked them what they meant by a cat party and of course their first answer was “You’d bring cats into the library!” which I quickly vetoed as I explained there were people who were very allergic to cats so they wouldn’t be able to attend. While they were initially disappointed, they rallied and together we came up with some ideas.

Let me start by saying by the end of the program I had multiple kids tell me this was the very best time they’d ever, ever had at the library. We’ve made BOUNCY BALLS. We had a program called SUGAR WARS. We made our own HAIR SCRUNCHIES. We’ve made SLIME 4 times this year. Apparently the cat party? Beat all of those other programs. I also had multiple caregivers tell me the event was “magical.”

Click here to read the post. [We Are Gonna Have a Cat Party. Erin. Erinsinire blog. May 25, 2023] 

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