Thursday, June 29, 2023

Pugs and Preschoolers - A Winning Combination

A special guest post from the field! Elizabeth M. Timmins, Muehl (Seymour) Public Library Director and Programmer shares a recent wild success:

Contributed photo

*(Friday, May 5, 2023) My community collaborators (Thank you Laurie, Buzz, and Cathy!) helped me  give Seymour Headstart a hands-on experience meeting with pugs (Lucy & Phoebe) and a dachshund (Louis, dressed for Cinco de Mayo!). 

PIG THE PUG picture books by Aaron Babley feature a naughty pug, Pig, and a patient, kind dachshund named Trevor. I read these books to Headstart during 5 class visits. This was our culminating, joyful activity.

I love the ability to orchestrate hands-on learning! (For YSS folks’ consideration while you plan such an activity, Headstart required that I have copies of proof of rabies vaccinations for all the animals. It was not a problem but it was an extra step. Also, Headstart requested that no photos be taken of Headstart guests’ faces.) 

Contributed photo

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