Friday, August 25, 2023

New WLA IF Committee

As we know, many challenges and censorship attempts target children's and teen books. This makes it important for all youth librarians to learn all we can about intellectual freedom, advocacy, preparation for challenges and other intellectual freedom issues.

The Wisconsin Library Association now has two powerful groups to address these issues and assist WI library staff - the Intellectual Freedom Special Interest Group (SIG) and the newly reformed Intellectual Freedom committee. 

Members of the Association which include YSS members (wait, you're not a member? Stop here and join WLA for the price of two weeks of lattes-to-go) are welcome to join these IF efforts.

At the July meeting of the WLA Board of Directors, the Board voted to approve the establishment of a standing Intellectual Freedom Committee, and appointed Kristina Gomez as committee chair.  Other members include Steven Rice, Julia Lee, Christinna Swearingen, Hannah Good Zima, Betsy Bleck, Nicole Breed, and Karli Pederson.  



The Intellectual Freedom Committee is responsible for safeguarding and promoting intellectual freedom within the Wisconsin Library Association and the Wisconsin library community.



  • Create and update a Wisconsin Intellectual Freedom toolkit.
  • Develop intellectual freedom trainings and resources.
  • Collect data via annual surveys.
  • Create a system for collecting censorship challenges in Wisconsin. Maintain and analyze data.
  • Explore the creation of a Library IF Staff Support Network. If feasible and relevant, develop and maintain the support network.
  • Monitor information provided by the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom and distribute to WLA membership as needed.

The Intellectual Committee is separate from the Intellectual Freedom Special Interest Group (IF SIG).  The IF SIG will continue to host quarterly meetings and provide opportunities for education and the exchange of information in a more informal space. 

--WLA Bulletin August 18, 2023

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