Friday, August 4, 2023

Reflecting on This Year's SLP

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
As the end of summer library program approaches and you are yearning for vacation, cooler weather and the return to school year rhythms, it is a perfect time to reflect on how this year's summer activities and program have gone and what might be different next year.  

What?!? Now?!? When energy is low and the furthest things from our mind is next summer?

ALSC's Early Childhood Programs and Services Committee hears you! In a recent blog post, they suggest 8 questions to help you evaluate and reflect on SLP that look less at stats and data and more at the bigger picture. 

Click here to read the full post. [Save Time and Alleviate Evaluation Stress with These 8 Questions. ALSC Early Childhood Programs and Services Committee. ALSC blog. July 22, 2023.]

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