Friday, September 15, 2023

Chair's Corner - September 2023 YSS Board Updates

This month's September YSS board meeting update is from Alison Loewen, our YSS 2023 Chair and Youth Services Librarian, Mead Public Library, Sheboygan

The annual WLA conference is scheduled for October 24-27th in Middleton. The program schedule is live on the website, so you can peruse offerings and determine if a full conference, or single day registration makes sense for you and your Library.  There are some amazing off-site tours and events you should take advantage of if you can, including YSS social at the CCBC Wednesday, October 25 from 6-7:30 p.m.  This will be a great opportunity to not only check out the amazing space and chat with CCBC Librarians, but also to reconnect with your board members, and other YS staff from around the state.  The event requires special registration, so sign up now by clicking this link.  You do not need to attend the conference to attend the social, so keep the social in mind when planning your Wednesday evening.

Another Fall opportunity, is an invitation to apply for WLA’s Children's Book Award Committee (CBAC)! The CBAC annually bestows the Burr/Worzalla Award and Notable Children's Author/Illustrator Award uWhile it is still technically summer for a week or so longer, it sure does feel like Fall.  Summer reading prizes have been awarded, and the kids are back in school.  Every book on apples has disappeared off the shelves, and just like squirrels gathering acorns, you might consider placing holds on your favorite winter read-alouds just to make sure you are ready for when the inevitable snow arrives.  It’s also time to think about a few opportunities that WLA has on the horizon.

pon Wisconsin's best and brightest book creators.  

The CBAC is looking to fill 2 vacant committee seats starting in 2024. The committee will meet (likely virtually) three times during the Spring of 2024 to deliberate and decide. If you are interested, please review the committee duties  and submit the following via email me at

Name, Job Title, Library, and City

Are you a current member of WLA and YSS?

Please describe your professional library work experience, including any reviewing

            experience and/or WLA committee work.

Please detail your reading preferences, including any areas of special interest.

Why should we consider you for a position on this committee?

Applications are due by 11:59pm on Friday, October 13.

If you have any questions about any of these opportunities, feel free to reach out to myself or other members of the board, 

Looking forward to seeing you at WLA!

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