Monday, September 25, 2023

Solar Eclipse Bonanza

 A message from Starnet via DPI's Jeni Schomber

SEAL Virtual Training: Preparing for Eclipse Day
September 27, 2023 @ 11AM MT

(10AM PT/12PM CT/1PM ET)

You’ve got your SEAL eclipse viewing glasses, you have your programming ideas…but what happens the big day? Join STAR Net for this webinar to help you get ready for the day of the eclipse. We’ll be sharing insights from a survey of librarians who hosted programming for the last big American eclipse in 2017 and discussing how to prepare for the the things you can (and can’t) control on the day of the eclipse.


Acitivity of the Month: 

Citizen Science: Eclipse Soundscapes

This citizen science project is studying how eclipses affect life on Earth. Take part by collecting sound data from the October 14, 2023 annular eclipse and the April 9, 2024 total solar eclipse!


Information Booklet Has Solutions for What to Do When the Glasses Run Out


Many library staff members are justifiably concerned about what to tell their patrons when their supply of eclipse glasses runs out. We want to remind you that in addition to the glasses, we are making available a nice 36-page information booklet, which is all about the upcoming two eclipses and a range of ways to view them safely (such as using a colander to show many shadow images of the eclipse on the sidewalk).  The booklet includes 2-page sheets about each eclipse, in English and in Spanish, that you can duplicate and provide to patrons with the glasses. 

Click Below to find the on-line version of the booklet. While it is aimed at librarians, much of it can be read by the public, so feel free to distribute this URL to your patrons as well.

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