Friday, October 20, 2023

ALSC Institute in Denver Wants Your Proposals!

The ALSC Institute is coming up in fall 2024 but proposals are due at the end of this month. One of my favorite colleagues, Denver's Melissa Depper, who is on the planning task force for the Institute, sends out this message to you all to consider submitting a proposal:

"Children's librarians, did you know that the ALSC Institute is in Denver next year!?!

The dates are September 19-21, 2024 and the call for proposals is out now through the end of the month October 31, 2023.
Everyone has been amazing dealing with *gestures* THE WHOLE WORLD these last few years, I know you've been doing something or trying something or supporting something that your colleagues would benefit by hearing about. Please consider putting your hat in the ring. The more proposals we get, the stronger the conference is.
Please share this post/link with a colleague who is doing something cool or courageous or in a quietly superstar manner. Thank you!

(For the algorithm: an actual photo of you, below, being galactically fabulous:)

Photo courtesy: Melissa Depper

And now, a more official announcement:

ALSC (Association for Library Services to Children) is excited to open the Call for Proposals for the 2024 National Institute! The 2024 National Institute will convene in Denver, Colorado, from September 19-21.

The 2024 National Institute theme is "Standing Up for Stories." Submit your proposals on new research, innovative ideas, and best practices regarding literacy, collection development, library advocacy in youth services, youth programming, and more!

All presenters will receive a discounted registration rate. Learn more and submit your program proposal on the ALSC website:


Program proposals are due on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 by 11:59pm CT.


We can't wait to hear about the wonderful work you're doing!


-Jessica Fredrickson, National Institute Planning Task Force Chair

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