Sunday, November 5, 2023

Apply for a PLA 2024 scholarship

 As seen in Nic News Weekly, Friday 11/3/23 Nicolet Federated Library System newsletter

As part of its commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice, the Public Library Association (PLA) is pleased to offer 50 scholarships to attend the PLA 2024 Conference on April 3-5, 2024 in Columbus, Ohio. Scholarships will cover registration fees, travel stipends, and one year of PLA membership.

Scholarships are available to support applicants who belong to at least one of the following categories:
  • Early career (i.e., fewer than five years) or un/under-employed (annual salary less than $45,000)
  • Students pursuing a master’s degree in library and/or information science (i.e., MLS, MLIS, MIS)
  • Working in small or rural libraries (i.e., serving communities with fewer than 25,000 people)
  • Current or past Spectrum Scholars working in public libraries
  • ALA ethnic affiliate members (i.e., members of the Joint Council of Librarians of Color)
Applications are due November 12 by 11:59 p.m. Learn more about the scholarships and apply for them here.

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