Thursday, November 9, 2023

It's Time to Vote!

If you are a WLA/YSS member, you should have received your ballot to vote in the WLA election. If you didn't receive it, please reach to to ED Laura Sauser.

The WLA annual election is now live! The ballot will close on Friday, November 17 at 5:00 p.m. 


Before you vote, please take a moment to check your member profile to make sure you belong to the sections and divisions you desire.  Log in to your profile on the WLA website, click on “My Profile” and scroll through the “About Me” page to the list of sections and divisions listed in your profile.  Want to make a change?  Click “Edit Profile” to add/delete sections and divisions.  Don’t forget to save your work! 


To fill out the ballot, you will need to login to your Member Clicks profile with your Username and Password. If you do not know your Username and/or Password, please email


Follow the steps outlined in the election form, starting with the WLA General Ballot and continuing through the pages. Please note: 

  • All WLA members will have the opportunity to vote for the revised WLA bylaws, the WLA Vice-President/President Elect, the ALA Councilor, and the position on the WLA Foundation Board of Directors. 

  • In addition, you will have the opportunity to vote for candidates that correspond with the units of which you are a member. For example, if you are a member of AWSL and OSRT, you will see the candidates running for leadership positions in those two units. Note that not all units have positions on the ballot and positions without candidates running for them do not appear on the ballot.   

  • Once you complete the Election Ballot (be sure to click "Finish"), you will receive a confirmation email. Thank you for voting!

Questions? Please call the WLA office at 608.245.3640 or email

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