Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Program Evaluation Tips

Jamie Eastman has been sharing blog posts recently on the ALSC blog that focus on ways to consider your programs with an eye to celebrating success, recalibrating less than successful efforts and keeping track of exactly what you are doing. In her most recent post (with links to her earlier articles), she takes a look how to evaluate and innovate.

Jamie writes "Things change in libraries: staff, spaces, resources, capacity, community needs, and more. Past successes are important, but always doing what we’ve always done risks stagnation. The longevity of our Family Place initiatives gave us experience and perspective. Program growth and community connections brought new opportunities. Program evaluation highlights your wins, while innovation builds on them."

To read all her great suggestions, please stop here. [Program Evaluation: From Feedback to Flourish. Eastman, Jamie. ASLC blog. October 30, 2023.]

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