Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 at the Blog - Thank You Readers!

The YSS blog had an exciting year this year when we hit 1 million views. We wouldn’t be here without you, our readers. And we thank you.

Let's take a peek back at blog in the last year to see what's what.

  • During 2023, our bloggers shared  304 posts. 
  • These 2023 posts had over 11,000 views.
  • Overall, we had over 200,000 views of all of our blog content (posts spanning from 2010 to the present) during 2023.

The blog not only contains current resources and links but also serves as a kind of archive. People often browse among our 3,160 total posts for content and inspiration, much of which remains fresh. 

What were the most viewed posts that were published in 2023? They were a mixture of YSS business; programming ideas; collection development how-to's; and general WI Youth services news.

None of this resource sharing would happen without the generous YSS members and youth and teen librarians throughout the state who contribute posts throughout the year. A huge shout-out to our contributors from 2023:

  • Alison Loewen
  • Hanna Collins
  • Ashley Borman
  • Lindy Liedl
  • Sam Jones
  • Jamie Mercer
  • Jeni Schomber
  • Chris Baker
  • Claire Parrish
  • Cole Zrostlik
  • Merry Lindgren
  • Monica Treptow
  • Taylor Wilcox
  • Megan Schliesman
  • Linda Jerome
  • Jennifer Davis
  • Kristie Hauer
  • Murray Johnson

If you would like to contribute to the blog, we'd love to have you! You can write about a program you've done; opinion piece; how-to; spotlight on great library service; upcoming event of interest to youth folks state-wide or whatever you think people working in youth services in WI would like to read! Plus we're always looking for links of interest to share with youth library folks. Simply email the blog admin at and you can join the fun.

Thanks for being part of our YSS blog community this year and see you in 2024!

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