Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Jbrary - Relationship Building in Our Library Work

When Jbrary posts on their blog, the article is always worth reading. Recently Lindsey Krabbenhoft shared her thoughts on the immediacy and importance of seeing our youth library work through the lens of community-led work and relationship building.

Lindsey writes: "Recently I attended a few presentations on community work that reminded me of my favourite part of my job: Relationship building. In truth, I felt disconnected from community work for a long time. The pandemic disrupted many relationships. Libraries were closed, practising social distancing, and dealing with high staff turnover. Community partners had the same stressors. Upon returning to in-person service at a new branch I found it especially challenging as many places were not open to outside visitors. Layer on the immediate demands of in-branch service and you can see why community work is often the first thing to be set aside."

Her thoughtful reflection is an inspirational call to action.

Please click here to read the full post. [The Heart of Our Work. Krabbenhoft, Lindsey. Jbrary. November 14, 2023.]

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